Sunday, July 11, 2010

Purananooru - 46 to 50 (English Translation)

46. A Song About Sozhan Kulamuttraththuth Thunjchiya Killivalavan

Oh Valavaa! You are the successor of the Sozhaa dynasty which has pure, kind heart which removes not only the suffering of the pigeon but also the sufferings of other living beings. These children belong to a noble family which fears to see the poverty of the scholars and which wishes to live by sharing. They have no fear for the elephant which is about to kill them and laugh clapping their hands. They are afraid of the big court. They are suffering from a strange fear. Is it fair to kill these children? I have told you enough. You do whatever you want. -Kovoorkkizhaar

47. A Song About Sozhan Nedungkilli

the poets will reach the patrons after traveling several long ways as the birds go in search of fruit trees. They sing so that their tongues suffer and get gift for that. They do not think to save it for themselves. They feel happy in living by giving Will they think evil to others? Certainly they won't think evil. They feel proud on defeating scholars in debates.. Longing for the gifts is their life. They have high fame and plenty of wealth like you. You know that they have the efficiency to defeat many scholars and to become the leaders. -Kovoorkkizhaar

48. A Song About Seramaan Kokkodhai Maarban

Thondi is a place having seashore parks which are smelling like honey because of the garlands worn by Kokkodhi Maarban , the garlands worn by the ladies who married him and the neidhal flowers which blossomed in the big back water. That Thondi is our town. On old man! Oh beggar speaking the truth! If you go to that Seraa king to get gifts, you tell that you have seen a poet who sang his fame on your way. -Poihaiyaar

49. A Song About Seramaan Kokkodhai maarban

Shall I call Seramaan Kokkodhai Maarban who has a long sword as one belongs to Kurinji, or one belongs to Marudham ,or one belongs to Neidhal where the cold sea which has singing waves. How can I call him? When the guards of the thinai fields of Mullai beat thattai to drive away the parrots, the birds in the paddy field where the ears are ripen and the birds in the sea which has large quantity of water fly together due to that sound. -Poihaiyaar

50. A Song About Seramaan Thahadoor Erindha Perunjcheral Irumporai

Not knowing that it is a war drum which was made out of strong tree, adorned with the feathers of peacock, sapphire garland, uzhingai flower made up of gold and which is kept safe has taken for holy bath and not knowing the cot on which small flowers are spread is the cot for the war drum , I have slept on it. But you did not kill me with your sword. It is an evidence for your greatness of knowing Thamizh. Instead of getting angry with me , you come closer to me and with your gem like beautiful shoulder, you fanned me so that cold wind touches my body. Oh victorious king! Do you do this to prove that those who have fame in this world alone have the happiness in the heaven? -Mosikeeranaar

Purananooru - 36 to 45 (English Translation)

36. A Song About Sozhan Killivalavan

The ladies who worn silambu and beautiful bangles sit and play kazhangu with pieces of gold on the sand heaped near the Porunai river. The tall trees with full of flowers fall down making the white sand scatter as they are cut by sharp axes made by the blacksmith who has strong hands. Though the sound of the falling trees is heard by the king, who is behind the tall walls of the fort, he does not do anything. He has not the will power to oppose the enemies. It is shameful to think fighting with such a coward wearing victorious garlands and sounding brave murasu. I don't know whether you will kill that cowardice king or you will let him alive. Select which ever is suitable for your greatness. I have nothing to say to you. -Aalaththoorkkizhaar

37. A Song About Sozhan Kulamuttraththuth Thunjchiya Killivalavan

Oh king! You invade your enemies' countries like a cruel snake which has poison, sharp teeth and five heads. Like the thunder which destroys the big mountain covered by green creepers, you have fired your enemies' towns. Oh the successor of Sembiyan who had victorious vel and brave army! You have the power of destroying deep ahazhies which have many crocodiles which try to eat the images of the guards thinking that they are human beings, walls which are like copper and forceful elephant army. Oh great king! You born in a famous family which removed the sorrow of a pigeon. What a great power do you have! -Maarokkaththu Nappasalaiyaar

38. A Song About Sozhan Killivalavan

Oh great king having powerful army which has colorful flags which wave up to the sky as the warriors have sit on the elephants which are like hills. If you look with anger that place will burn in red fire. If you look with cool heart that place will shine like gold. You have the power to make the hot sun into cold moon and the cold moon into hot sun which is like a fire planet. Is it necessary to say how we are living under the shadow of your white umbrella? Those who live in heaven where the heavenly park which blossoms with golden flowers ,enjoy pleasure according to their good deeds. As there are no poor people they cannot enjoy the pleasure of giving to the poor. Though the persons who seek heavenly pleasure and gifts live in your enemy country, they will always thinking you and your country. -Aavoor Moolangkizhaar

39. A Song About Sozhan Killivalavan

Oh successor of Sebiyan who sit on the balance which is made up of the tusks of the elephant which has mortar like foot, in order to remove the sorrow of a pigeon! You have born in a family which feels happy in giving to others. It is your nature to give happily without saying no to those who come saying that they have nothing. So there is nothing special in praising you in this aspect. On thinking the great strength of your ancestors who destroyed the strong hanging forts in the sky which are fearful to Devaas who are the enemies of Asuraas. Your victory over your enemies does not bring new fame to you. As ethics prevails in the court of your brave capital city Uraiyoor, your good rule does not bring fame to you. Oh Killivalavaahaving victory over wars, having strong shoulders which are stronger than the kanayaa tree, having beautiful kanni and having fast moving horse! How can I praise you? You destroyed Seran's Karuvoor which has a very strong, safety fort. The Seraa engraved his bow on the top of Himalaya which is very high and where golden rays of the sun fall. He has a beautiful victorious chariot. I don't know what else I can praise as I have praised your great efforts. -Maarokkaththu Nappasalaiyaar

40. A Song About Sozhan kulamuttraththuth Thunjchiya Killivalavan

Oh Killivalavaa ! You destroyed the safety forts of your enemies. The crowns of your enemies are adorning your feet as kazhals. Oh strong and victorious king ! Those who scold you bow down their heads with shame and worship your feet. Those who praise you get fame and greatness. We will see you with happy ever as you are today. Oh king ! You speak sweet words and you are sweet to us. Oh king you are having a very fertile land . A small piece of land where a female elephant sleeps is capable of cultivating food for seven male elephants. Oh king ! You live for ever. -Aavoor Moolangkizhaar

41. A Song About Sozhan Kulamuttraththuth Thunjchiya Killivalavan

Even Yamaa who kills the lives awaits for the proper time. But you have the strength to kill warriors who have vels, whenever you wish. You have the strength to fight with your enemies so that they see forebodes which are fearful to see in the dreams like meteorites fall on all eight directions, green trees becoming dry logs,the sun with hot rays appear in many directions, birds making awful sounds, teeth falling on the ground, others pouring oil on the heads, riding on the pigs, removal of dresses and the cot on which shining , strong weapons were kept falling broken. In the countries in which you invade, the warriors afraid on seeing your strength. In order to hide their fear and sorrow from their ladies, they kiss their children. The countries of your enemies will be spoiled like the forest surrounded by fire and wind. -Kovoorkkizhaar

42. A Song About Sozhan Killivalavan

Oh king having patronage which cannot be measured and strength to win fearful wars ! Your elephants look like mountains. Your armies roar like seas. Your sharp vel shines like the lightning. You are so powerful so that the enemies obey and worship you. Removing our sorrow is not new to you. It belongs to the family in which you born. You hear only the falling sound of the water falls. You never hear the sorrowful voice of the beggars even in your dream. Like the tiger guards its cubs, you save and rule your people. Your country has new income which brings fame to you. The vaalai fish which is caught by the reapers, the tortoise caught by the farmers, the honey which is gathered by the sugarcane cutters and the kuvalai flowers which are brought by the ladies who went for fetching water are given to the guests from Kurinji and Mullai by the hosts of Marudham and Neidhal. Oh lord belonging to such a town! Like the rivers that born on the mountains run towards the sea, the poets who wish to get gifts come to you only. In order to give them the gifts, you started with kanichchi like the angry Yamaa to capture the lands of Seraa and Paandiyaa who oppose you. Oh Valavaa! You live long. -Idaikkadanaar

43. A Song About Sozhan Maavalaththaan

Even the sages who do penance in the morning and evening, having ere wind as food and bearing the sun's hotness, in order to remove the sorrow of the people , wonder on the act of the king sitting on the balance to rescue the soft walking pigeon which surrendered to him from the sharp nailed and bent winged eagle without thinking of his demise. Oh king! You are the successor of that king. You are the younger brother of Killi who has the fame of defeating he enemies and has much wealth and chariots . Oh lord of the warriors who have long arrows and bent bows! Oh lord having fast running horse and patronage! I doubt your birth. Oh lord wearing aaththi garland! Your ancestors never hurt Brahmins. I asked you is it fair to do like this ? Though I scolded you, you did not get angry with me. You felt ashamed as if you had done a mistake. You made everybody to realize that tolerating the wrong doers is the unique quality of the Sozhaas. I am the one who did the wrong. Oh brave king! Let your living days grow more and more than the sand of the Kaaviri river. -Thaamappal Kannanaar

44. A Song About Sozhan Nedungkilli

The black female elephants do not bathe but play in the ponds. They do not eat the balls of rice mixed with ghee. They break the pillars to which they are tied. They roll on the ground with sorrow and trumpet like thunder. The children are crying without milk. The ladies do not wear flowers. They comb and tie up their barren hair. It is harmful to you be here even after hearing the crying sound for drinking water. Oh lord having a horse which cannot be reared ! If you wish to save ethics, you say to Nalangkilli that this fort is his and open the door of the fort. If you wish to show your braveness come out to fight with him. Without doing these two things, it is a shame to hide yourself in a corner of a fort which is shut. -Kovoorkkizhaar

45. A Song About Sozhan Nedungkilli And Sozhan Nalangkilli

Oh kings ! The person who has come to fight with you is not Seran who has worn the garland made up of the white flowers of the palm tree. He is not Paandiyan who has worn the garland made up of neem flowers got from the black branches of the neem tree. Your kanni is made up of aaththi flowers. The person who has come to fight with you is also a Sozhan who has also worn aaththi garland. Among you who ever is defeated, your family fame will be lost. Winning both of you is impossible. So it is not suitable for your family fame. Oh kings having chariots with victorious flags! Avoiding this vain war, which gives only physical pleasure will give you greatness. -Kovoorkkizhaar

Purananooru - 26 to 35 (English Translation)

26. A Song About Paandiyan Nedunjchezhiyan

In the broad, deep sea the ship which was blown by the wind, runs piercing the water. Like that the elephants ran through the army and made way. You went through that way with your shining vel, fought with them so that they lost their strength and captured their murasus. Due to this you got victorious fame. You arranged the heads of your enemies as oven, poured their blood as cooking water and put the flesh and brain in it. You used the shoulders of the dead warriors who had worn brave bracelets as ladles and cooked the food. With that food you had done so many battle velvies. Oh Sezhiyaa The nobles who have reasonable listening knowledge , strong mind which controls the five senses and learned vedaas have relationship with you. The petty kings are serving you . You have done several righteous velvies. Oh king having victorious vel! Your enemies are also good in one aspect. Though they died in the war with you, they had gone to the heaven. -Maangudi Marudhan

27. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli

Like the hundred petals of the red lotus which grows in the mud, many kings born in high families without any difference . But among them those who got the fame of being praised by all are a few. Like the lotus leaves so many died without any use. Oh our father ! I have heard from the wise people that those who got the praise of the poets and did their duties well would get the aircraft which was not driven by the pilot. Oh Nalangkilli ! You realize that those which grow will diminish and those which diminish will grow and attain fullness. Those who born will die and those who die will born is the nature of this world. You made all to realize this. Though they are the Devaas or others who come with hunger , you give them whatever they need with kindness and mercy. Let your enemies be without kindness and mercy. Let them be without the quality of giving to the poor. -Uraiyoor Mudhukannan Saaththanaar

28. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli

The following eight are the big defects of people who live in this world. 1.Blind 2.Born with defective parts 3.Born with bend 4.Dwarf 5.Dumb 6.Deaf 7.Having the appearance of the beasts 8.Born without wisdom. Wise people say that there is no use fom such defective people. Let me tell the nature of the human beings who are useful. Your enemies have run and hid themselves in the forest where the round lined and red dotted wood hens which crow and awake the guards of the thinai fields. You think that it is a gift to give to those who are away from the fence and ask eagerly. You have a fertile land, where the people cut and throw the sugarcane and they damage the lotus flowers in the pond. It looks like the dance theater of the Kooththaas . You realize that the wealth is for securing ethics, money and pleasure. You also realize that if you forget to secure ethics, you will forget you from human beings without defect. -Uraiyoor Mudhukannan Saaththanaar

29. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli

Let your court be filled with Paanaas who have worn golden garlands made up of golden lotuses on their barren black heads. Let your broad chest with sandal powder be embraced by your kind wives after praised by the Paanaas. Let the murasu be sounded in the beautiful courtyard of your palace. Let punishing the evil and showing mercy to the good be done by you continuously. You should avoid those who refuse that there is no fruit for good deeds and suffering for the bad deeds. Your warriors drive away the birds which come to the paddy field. They light fire on the palm leaves and roast the fish caught from the back waters. They eat fish and drink sour toddy. They nave a fertile land where there are tender coconut shedding coconut trees. It is your duty to rescue your warriors from living a mean life like your enemies who live in small huts. It is also your duty to make your warriors to give who come begging. This worldly life is like the dancers who assemble in the festival, dance and disperse after the festival. In this unstable life , let the people around you and your relatives be happy. Let the wealth earned by you be praised by all. -Mudhukannan Saaththanaar

30. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli

There are many who have scientific knowledge . They know the path of the sun, the movement of the sun, the earth that is surrounded by the movement of the sun, the direction through which the wind blows, the sky which is above without any hold. They know the nature of the sun,earth, wind and sky and describe about them. But you are with so much of knowledge and self control so that even the people with wisdom cannot know you. You have a hidden strength like the stone which is kept in the cheek of the elephant which is to be spitted. The senseless Paradhavaas let the vessels from the sea to the river without lowering the sail and unloading some goods. As they do so, the things brought by them are scattered throughout the way. You are the lord of the fertile land which has such a sea income. -Mudhukannan Saaththanaar

31. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli

Due to the excellence of ethics, money and pleasure are placed after it. Like that the victorious umbrellas f the Seraa and Paandiyaa are placed after the victorious umbrella of the Sozhaa which shines like the full moon. It spreads the fame of the Sozhaa fa r off. Oh Sozhaa ! You wish only victorious fame got from brave wars. You wish to live in war camps and do not wish anything else. Your fighting elephants are awaiting for attacking the walls of the enemies' forts so that the edges of their tusks become blunt. They never keep quiet. Your warriors who have won kazhals feel happy if war comes. They are without fear though the enemies' countries are far away among the forest. So your enemies are shivering without sleep, thinking that you will come to the northern side with your army after celebrating your success . They think that you will eave the eastern sea and reach the western sea so that the waves of the seas wet the hoofs of your horses. -Kovoorkkizhaar

32. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli

Sozhan Nalangkilli is able to give Vanji where long flags are waving ,in order to fill up the food vessels of his people and keep them content. He is able to give Madhurai which has many storeys as a gift to the dancers who have bent bangles, bamboo like shoulders and beautiful foreheads who praise him. So oh poets !. Come . Let us praise him. Like the clay which is put by the Kuyavaa children on the wheel gets the shape of the desired vessel, this cold , fertile land lives according to his command. -Kovoorkkizhaar

33. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli

The hunters who live in the forest and who have hound give basket full of deer flesh. The shepherds give potful of curd. The farmers' houses are filled with deer flesh and curd. The ladies in the farmers' houses fill up the baskets of the hunters and the pots of the shepherds with white paddy which grow on the banks of the pond. The hunters and shepherds take them happily. You are strong enough to invade the fertile Paandiyaa country, destroy the seven forts and security. You are strong enough to engrave your big mouthed tiger symbol there. So poets are praising you. Your war camps surrounded by the bulls and are near to the common place where the shepherd ladies dance kuravai dance. There the rice balls with the flesh which look like the garland made up of the buds of Mullai with fresh leaves are received by the Paanaas with desire. The ladies and gents resemble the dancing allippavaies done by the artisan go through the beautiful parks. No one go there single. The dinner festivals celebrated by you in the storeys by killing sheep is very fine. -Kovoorkkizhaar

34. A Song About Sozhan Kulamuttraththuth Thunjchiya Killivalavan

There is compensation even for those who cut the breasts of the cows, those who do abortion to ladies who wear beautiful ornaments and those who make their parents worry. The ethical books say that even if the world becomes upside down, there is no compensation for those who forget gratitude. Oh lord of the lady who has worn beautiful ornaments ! Our group eats the rice of varahu cooked with milk and mixed with honey in the morning and evening. We also eat the fatty, warm flesh of the rabbit. We willingly converse with the Paanaas who have frank hearts, in the common place where there are ilandhai trees. Oh Killivalavaa ! You give large quantity of wealth to those Paanaas who are eating good food happily. If I fail to greet you and praise your good feet, the sun will not appear. I am a simple person. I will not do mistakes. If it is true that the good deeds done by the nobles will be stable, you long live more than the droplets shower by the rainy cloud which forms on the Himalaya. -Aalaththoorkkizhaar

35. A Song About Sozhan Killivalavan

Oh king ! You are the only person who has the greatness to be called as king among kings who rule the fertile Thamizhnaadu which is in this earth which has blue seas as boundary and which is spread up to the sky where there is no movement of the air. Your country is the only fertile country which has the greatness of being fertile even if the sun appears on all the eight directions and hurts with its hotness. Though the Venus appears in the south , the cold , beautiful Kaaviri river runs through several canals and makes the land fertile. The sugarcane with white flowers look like the fence made up of vels. Oh king having greatness and fertility ! Listen my following words which are for your good. The justice given by you without any deviation from ethics is like the rain which showers in the expected time. Your white victorious umbrella, which is up to the sky where there are rainy clouds , is not merely an umbrella which protects the hotness of the sun. It is the one which removes the sorrows of your people/ it is the symbol of kindness and it showers mercy. Oh Killivalavaa having a sharp vel ! Your enemies are like the young palm tree which is cut into many pieces. You remember that the victory and the fame which were brought by your warriors defeating the enemies' elephant army is due to the food which was cultivated by the farmers with their plows. The world will scold only the king for the failure of the seasonal rain, the decrease of the fertility of the land and other artificial harms. Oh king ! If you realize this, avoid the false statements, save the farmer community and do good to the people, your enemies will also obey and praise you. -Vellaikkudi Naahanaar