61. A Song About Sozhan Ilavandhigaippalli Thunjchiya Nalangkilli Setchchenni
The farm maids have tied up hair adorned with cold leaves. They weed out aambal plants and neidhal plants which grow among the crops. In the fertile field the malangu fishes are squirming. The farmers eat vaalai fish curry with rice stomachful. They amaze where to store the paddy ears. The small headed children of the strong handed farmers do not like to eat coconuts. They climb up the heap of paddy and try to pluck the palm fruits. Setchchenni has long hand with vel and has beautiful chariot. His fertile land has new income everyday. He has worn colourful garlands which look like rainbows on his chest. Those who come to fight against him know their end. We don't see those who fight against him who has pillar like shoulders escape and live. Like that, we also don't see those who obey him suffer. -Madhurai Kumaranaar
62. A Song About Seran Kudakko Nedunjcheralaadhan And Sozhan Perunarkkilli
It is very ignorant to think that we will get victory in the coming war. The black devil dig the wound of the dead warriors and stroke their hair with their blood stained hands and hear the mild sound of the drum played by the ladies. The eagles will be circling to eat the dead bodies. In this cruel war both the kings who fought died. Their white umbrellas fell down. The victorious drums perished. The army camps which were filled with warriors became empty. The war which frightened those who saw ended like this. The ladies who lost their husbands in the war did not eat even greens. They did not bathe . They laid down embracing the dead bodies of their husbands. The warriors fought in such a way so that they became the guests of heaven where there are Suraas who have garlands which do not dry, eyes which do not wink and amudham as their food. Oh warriors ! Let your fame live. -Kazhaaththalaiyaar
63. A Song About Seran Kudakko Nedunjcheralaadhan and Sozhan Perunarkkilli
So many elephants died by attacked with arrows. The horses having victorious fame died with their warriors. The chariot warriors died as their shields hid their eyes. The black faced victorious drum which was covered with the leather of the bull which was not shaved laid without players. The vels pierced the sandal applied chests of the two great kings and they were dead. There is nothing more to worry about. Their fertile land has vast places where the ladies who had worn bangles made up of the stem of aambal plant ate rice flakes and played in the water. These two lands were perished due to the war. -Paranar
64. A Song About Paandiyan Palyaahasalai Mudhukudumi Peruvazhudhi
Oh Virali wearing a few bangles ! Start with your yaazh, parai and muzhavu. In the vast army camp where herds of elephants are fighting, there is the flesh of the enemies which stop the eagles from going up. Let us go and see Mudhukudumi Peruvazhudhi who fought against the enemies and had great fame. On seeing him we can leave this mean life of eating gruel. -Nedumpalliyaththanaar
65. A Song About Seramaan Perunjcheralaadhan
The muzhavus lost being pasted with soil. The yaazhs forgot music. The broad , big pots laid without persons who chyrn curd as there was no milk. Without drinking honey the relatives were bverysad. There was not the farmers' ploughing sound. It was why that village had lost its festive beauty. On the full moon day, though the moon and the sun appear in the east and west, the sun sets in the mountain in the evening. Like the disappearance of the sun , the brave king felling shame sat with his sword and left his life as he had got wound on his back. So for us who live without him, the day too will not pass sweetly. -Kazhaaththalaiyaar
66. A Song About Karikaal Peruvalaththaan
Oh successor of those who sailed in the vast sea knowing the nature of the wind ! Oh Karikaal Valavaa having big elephant army ! You have succeeded in the war showing your strength. But your enemy who left his life in the Venni battle field feeling shame for the wound on his back and got great fame is better than you who succeeded in the war. -Vennikkuyaththiyaar
67. A Song About Kopperunjchozhan
Oh male annam ! Oh male annam ! The full moon is shining in the country of the king who gets success in wars. In this evening I am suffering alone. You have eaten the ayirai fish in the Kumari and going to the Himalayas. If you go to the Sozhanaadu on your way, you stay in the high storey of the Uraiyoor with your young mate. You go through the entrance and enter into the palace. You tell to Kopperunjchozhan that you are the servant of Aandhaiyaar of Pisir. If you say like that, he will give many good ornaments for your mate to wear. -Pisir Aandhaiyaar
68. A Song About Sozhan Nalangkilli
Oh Paanaa ! You are playing your yaazh and singing a song which can be enjoyed by a few. You don't see people who quench your relatives' cruel hunger who are like the skeleton of the monitors. What are you doing here ? The Sozha king obeys the soft ladies who wear golden jewels on their chests, but he controls the strong men. Like the milk that springs in the mother's breast when the child sucks, the river Kaaviri flows in the Sozhanaadu. It has no inner enmity. There is no enmity due to the bad omens of the birds. So the enemies decided to fight in between themselves and to die. As they drove the chariot beating the drums, the drunkards' trembling hands make the toddy spilt on the ground. The spilt toddy makes the soil muddy. On hearing the sound of the drum, the elephants without mahouts stand in the mud to fight. Our noble king has braveness. He lives in Uraiyoor. You go to him. He is the only one who can give much wealth so that you need not go others' houses and sing. -Kovoorkkizhaar
69. A Song About Sozhan Kulamuttraththu Thunjchiya Killivalavan
Oh Paanaa having perfectly made yaazh ! You have cruel hunger which cannot be quenched in your stomach. You are wearing rags, which is wet by sweat, on your waist. You are wandering throughout the world with your relative who are suffering due to poverty. If you come near me and ask me who will remove this poverty, I will tell you. Fighting elephants suffer because of the wound. In the army camp with flags, elephants are killed. Sozhan Killivalavan has a strong army. He is the lord of Uraiyoor. He is having the vel for fighting . He has the nature of attacking enemy countries. He has worn shining jewels which shine like fire. If you reach his high gate way, you need not wait there. There Killivalavan will be giving chariots to the beggars throughout the day. Certainly you will get golden lotus as gift. So you go to him to get rid of your poverty. -Aalandhoor Kizhaar
70. A Song About Sozhan Kulamuttraththu Thunjchiya Killivalavan
Oh Paanaa having a small yaazh which sounds as sweet as honey ! You are saying to me to stay here for some time and take rest hearing the udukkai which looks like a tortoise pierced with an arrow. Like the cold pond water in the month of Thai, the big city has food which does not decrease even it is taken again and again. This city knows the fire which is used to cook. It does not know the fire which will destroy. Killivalavan produces two kinds of medicines . i. e food and water. The beetles blow the white aambal buds. You go with the smiling Virali who has beautiful forehead and paadhiri smelling hair who lives in Pannan's hut who is a patron. If you go like that , you will get much wealth. It is not the treasure which is found by a person who has gone to bring fire wood. You need not doubt if you will get. It is certain that he will give. You will get it certainly. So go and get the gift. Let his fame live long. -Kovoor Kizhaar
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